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Code of Conduct

HEM / Om Swereco / Code of Conduct

Swereco Code of Conduct

Swereco’s vision is to be a successful international company that contributes to improved health and quality of life. We achieve this by creating value and growth together with our customers and partners.

Our engaged and motivated team members contribute considerably to our success and in order to continue to reach our business goals, we aim to attract the most competent and passionate people. We do that by offering an attractive, dynamic workplace that gives people great opportunities to thrive professionally and grow with the company.

We follow international conventions for corporate responsibility and have a strategy for sustainable business development. Our overall goal is to encourage respect for Human & Labour Rights as well as Environmental protection and Business ethics with our external partners.

These requirements have been drawn up in accordance with the UN Global Compact principles and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises as well as ILO and United Nations conventions.(1)

1. Scope

This Code of Conduct applies to all employees and Board of Directors of Swereco.  The content is also reflected in the Supplier Code of Conduct which all business partners are expected to comply with.

2. Environment

In all processes performed at Swereco, we shall assess significant environmental impact.  These processes and operations shall be established to reflect their environmental responsibility.

  • We shall comply with national and international environmental legislation and regulations.
  • We shall actively work to reduce emissions into the air, soil and waterways and make more efficient use of resources.
  • Environmental aspects shall be taken into consideration throughout the production and distribution chain, from the production of raw materials to the sale of end-user products.
  • We shall always consider environmental aspects, and perform a life cycle analysis, in the product development process.

3. Business ethics(2)

Swereco and all employees shall exercise good judgment in all business relationships. All forms of corruption, bribery, money laundering and unlawful restrictive trade practices are strictly prohibited.

  • We shall establish and follow effective procedures to prevent corruption, bribery, money laundering and unlawful restrictive trade practices in all business activities.
  • We oppose all unlawful restrictions of competition.
  • Employees and board members shall not give or accept personal gifts, services, trips, entertainment or other benefits of any significant value to or from suppliers or other business partners.
  • An employee who receives a benefit or an offer of a benefit that he or she believes to be contrary to the Code of Conduct shall immediately return the gift to the donor and report the incident to their immediate superior.
  • Information security is important and all employees are required to process information in accordance with applicable policies, guidelines and legislation.
  • Confidential information about Swereco’s strategies, activities, and business operations shall be protected and not disclosed to any unauthorized parties.

4. Social conditions(3)

Swereco shall support, and respect internationally declared human rights.

  • We respect and support freedom of association(4), national legislation with regards to working hours(5) and wage(6).
  • No form of forced labour(7) or child labour(8) is permitted.
  • We promote equality(9), diversity and we do not accept discrimination, intimidation, oppression or harassment in any form.

5. Work environment and safety(10)

We shall ensure a safe and healthy work environment and systematically identify and reduce risks.

  • We shall define responsibilities and establish and follow procedures to prevent accidents and work-related injuries.
  • We invest in and support health-related activities for all employees.

6. Follow-up and enforcement

Enforcement of this Code of Conduct is important to Swereco’s business.

  • This code of Conduct is accepted and adopted by the Board of Directors.
  • The Management Group is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the code within the organization.
  • All employees are expected to comply with Swereco’s Code of Conduct.
  • Any non-compliance from the Code of Conduct shall be reported to an immediate superior.
  • Violation of the Code of Conduct, policies or guidelines may lead to measures such as warnings, redeployment, a notice of termination or dismissal.
  • If a supplier fails to comply with the terms of the Supplier Code of Conduct, we may terminate the business relationship if improvements are not made within an agreed period.
  • Compliance is reported to the Management Group and the Board of Directors on a case by case basis.

7. Report of non-compliance from the Code of Conduct

Your immediate superior usually has the best conditions to handle your case. If for some reason you do not feel comfortable talking to your manager, or if you have submitted a complaint that it has not been taken seriously, you can always contact someone in the corporate management or use the whistleblower function associated with Swereco.


The information you provide will be treated confidentially. Except in the case of law violations, the information will only be disclosed to those persons who must be informed in order to handle the case.


  1. References to relevant ILO and United Nations conventions for each area of the code, including web link, are found below
  2. UN Convention Against Corruption
  3. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  4. ILO Conventions No. 87, 98, 135 and 154
  5. ILO Convention No. 1 and 14, ILO Recommendation No. 116
  6. ILO Convention No. 26, 95 and 131
  7. ILO Conventions No. 29 and 105
  8. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child ILO Conventions No. 138, 182, ILO Recommendation No. 146and UNICEF’s Children’s Rights and Business Principles
  9. ILO Conventions No. 100, 111, 143, 169, 183 and UN Convention on Discrimination Against Women
  10. ILO Convention No. 155, 184 and ILO Recommendation No. 164

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Swereco AB
Kistagången 20b, plan 3
164 40 Kista

Org.nr: 559233-9807

Kvalitet & märkning

CE-märkning enligt regelverket för Medicintekniska produkter klass 1
((EU) 2017/745)

Ledningssystem för kvalitet SS-EN ISO 9001 och miljö SS-EN ISO 1400

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